
The best ways to spend your free time in Ukraine

Україна – це країна з безліччю можливостей для активного відпочинку. Тут ви знайдете мальовничі гірські хребти, безкраї ліси, глибокі каньйони,…

Tourism in times of war: how to travel safely in Ukraine

Війна, яка розгорнулася в Україні, суттєво вплинула на всі сфери життя, включаючи й туризм. З одного боку, пандемія COVID-19 та…

How can communities start making money from hospitality during wartime?

Having been working on the development of the community for several years, while actively traveling through Ukraine and Europe as…

The experience of rural green manors in the conditions of war

During the war, members of the Union for the Promotion of Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine joined the common victory…

Project “Prospects of sustainable development of rural areas”

During July 2021 – February 2022, the Union of Rural Green Tourism of Ukraine participated in the project “Perspectives for…

Журнал “Туризм сільський зелений”, випуск 5 (62)

Шановні читачі, до вашої уваги презентуємо черговий випуск оновленого електронного журналу “Туризм сільський зелений”. Науково-популярний періодичний передплатний журнал “Туризм сільський…

Discussion of the concept of forming the ICATO network

The NGO “Association for the Development of Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine” with the support of “U-LEAD with Europe” started…

The round table “Prospects of sustainable development of rural areas” was held

The main goal of the event is to organize a dialogue between communities, central bodies of executive power and partners…

Magazine “Rural Green Tourism”, issue 4 (61)

Dear readers, we present to your attention the next issue of the updated electronic magazine “Green Rural Tourism”. The popular…

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