Guidelines (Protocol) for the provision of rural green tourism (rural hospitality) services in the corona and post-coronavirus period

The NGO “Association for the Development of Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine” in cooperation with the National Tourism Organization of Ukraine joins the global initiative of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) #ПодорожуйБезпечно (Safe travels).

Experts of the Union and the EU Project “Supporting the Development of the System of Geographical Indications in Ukraine” together with partners developed the “Methodical recommendations (Protocol) for the provision of rural green tourism (rural hospitality) services in the corona and post-coronavirus period” to adapt the work of estates with a priority on protection people’s health and in order to effectively mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The protocol is designed for use by owners of rural estates that provide rural green tourism (rural hospitality) services. The task of creating the Protocol was to find constructive solutions for the restoration of rural green tourism (rural hospitality) and increase the safety of the owners of rural estates and tourists in the conditions of the corona and post-coronavirus reality.

The Protocol is based on the requirements of regulatory legal acts of Ukraine and the National Protocol “Safe Hospitality” (Protocollo Nazionele “Accoglienza Sicura”) of Italy, aimed at ensuring measures to prevent the spread of the SARS CoV-2 virus in tourism accommodation facilities.

Implementation of the Protocol will allow owners of rural estates that provide rural green tourism (rural hospitality):

to take effective practical measures to reduce the risks of contracting the coronavirus disease COVID-19 for both the owners of the rural estate, their family members, and tourists;

to gain an additional competitive advantage by guaranteeing the tourist increased attention to the protection of his health;

improve the quality of rural green tourism (rural hospitality) services, taking into account sanitary and hygienic requirements and social distancing requirements.

You can download the Protocol at the link:

Compliance by the estates with the recommendations of this Protocol gives the right to receive and use the special award #ПодорожуйБезпечно (Safe travels):

For this, the owner of the estate needs to confirm the signing of the Protocol by filling out an electronic form on the website of the Association for the Development of Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine and to be entered in the official electronic register of participants of the #ПодорожуйБезпечно program.

You can join and confirm the signing of the Protocol at the link:

More detailed information and the Official electronic register of program participants who have declared their compliance with the Safety Protocol of rural green tourism (rural hospitality) in the corona and post-coronavirus period at the link:

For matters of signing the protocol and placing it in the register, please contact

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