The NGO “Association for the Promotion of the Development of Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine” invites rural communities to join the project “Perspectives for the Sustainable Development of Rural Territories”, launched by the Ukrainian Rural Development Network (UMSR), which unites the efforts of civil society and the academic community to promote conservation and village development based on new knowledge, successful practices and partnership.
The Ukrainian Rural Development Network (UMSR) together with the international non-profit charitable organization DRA “For European Civil Society”, with the financial support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is launching the project “Perspectives for the Sustainable Development of Rural Territories”, aimed at providing assistance to communities in solving topical issues of rural development and increasing their potential for building rural communities.
During the implementation of the project, in 2021, online training on the methodology of preparing socio-economic analysis will be organized for selected communities; participants, together with experts, will work on assessing local potential and selecting options for combining available resources to identify opportunities for sustainable rural development. During 2022, meetings with domestic and international experts will be organized to prepare priority projects of socio-economic development; webinars will be held to study German practices of local development and a study tour will be organized to study successful domestic experience. As a result, each community will have a professionally prepared analysis with socio-economic development projects for their further implementation.
The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the project is June 5, 2021.
Detailed information and application form at the link:
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